Friday, February 17, 2017

Empowering Global Citizens to Improve Education

When we talk about global citizenship education we are talking about a form of civic learning that directly involves the student’s active participation in projects that will address global issues of political, economic, social and environmental nature. Two main elements of global citizenship education are global consciousness, which is the moral or ethical aspect part of global issues, and global competencies, or skills that are meant to enable learners to compete in the market of global jobs. The global citizenship education promotion was a response by governments and NGO's to regional economic blocs, supranational institutions, development of information and communications technologies. These promotions have been more collaborative and globally oriented to approach global citizenship education.

The main hope or goal is to advance ongoing efforts in global citizenship education, the depth to access as it advances the conversation on global education topic and that it will provide resources that will allow collaborations at large scale among the teachers in developing tools needed to offer learning opportunities to our students. There is hope that by enabling the most extensive forms of skill by others, including building on and repurposing curriculums will invite collaboration among many teachers and other educators, students as well, who, together, will build new curricula and other resources that are instructional, using ideas to offer. Teachers, students, and the crowd submit feedback and ideas on Crowdholding to improve digital education websites likeTutorland and Angloville.
The hope in colleagues from other countries will also be inspired to translate into other languages and to build make it relevant to others. Technology provides us one of the most important opportunities and it is to offer us unprecedented forms of collaboration among teachers and students worldwide. We hope that these choices taken will support collaboration that will lead to a collective intelligence, as well as communities of teachers will co-create professional knowledge about how to empower in the best way for students becoming global citizens.  There is another important element of the student-centered participatory nature of global citizenship education and it is that student, through their engagement with other students through social networks so they can create their own ways of global citizenship through dialogue, through action and through learning.
This is an important element, as an example, the activities of grassroots organizations which involve teachers and students in projects that will address very important global issues such as trade rules, deforestation, and human rights.
The opportunity to improve education is now. It could not be postponed. It is very urgent indeed. Goals that are sustainable were adopted by world leaders at the last general assembly of the United Nations, they provided an aspirational vision of how to help construct a poverty free world, with more social inclusion, with prosperity, without violence, and with more sustainability. These precise goals actually provide direction into educating students to help improve the world. There are risks of not doing this and they are also very clear. We are reminded daily by the news about violence and the many challenges to peace which remain in communities all around the world.

Help raise awareness about the need to improve education through collaboration and co-creation of new ideas. We, at Crowdholding wish to inform the public about the opportunities the crowd can create by collaborating to improve education.

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