Thursday, March 16, 2017

Hi, you got your dream job!

You and many others who go to Crowdholding now are probably - nay, definitely - getting hired today!

The #1 reason is that businesses are not really in touch with customers through deep dialogue. Crowdholding fills this gap by connecting the crowd with entrepreneurs, allowing you to give feedback and ideas in return for future revenue.

Nowadays, there is a significant abundance of skills and knowledge, and extreme poverty of innovative ideas. You as the customer hold the key to success for every venture and businesses realize they need to have a deep conversation with you to be victorious. What are you going to make out of it? By participating in startup projects you will earn future revenue (Crowdshares), will exercise your skills and expertise as well as give feedback to inspire inventions.

Earn future revenue

How does it work in practice? Revenue sharing takes various forms and sometimes it is used as a stimulus program - a small business owner may offer a percentage-based reward for your feedback or for referring customers, for example.

The practical specifics for each type of revenue sharing method differs, however, the idea behind it is consistent: using profits to co-create and innovate with the crowd in mutually beneficial ways. It has been a popular tool within corporate governance to develop partnerships, improve sales or share costs. When the crowd and companies co-create or promote a product, a revenue-sharing system utilizing Crowdshares as currency is put in place to compensate each entity for their efforts. For example, a small restaurant with 200,000$ annual revenue joins Crowdholding to co-create a new type of burger every month. The restaurant starts with sharing 1% of the 200,000$ revenue with the crowd, that 1% of revenue equals 1,000,000 Crowdshares. In return for your feedback and ideas, you will receive Crowdshares which are distributed by the percentage of votes for each comment. Anyone who gives feedback and gets a vote automatically receives Crowdshares and starts benefiting from the revenue of the restaurant.

Practice a skill or expertise

Have you wondered where you can practice your skills? A place outside your university or work, where you can put to use all the knowledge gained in those small classrooms. Product and idea innovation should not be seen as something the company does on its own with its proprietary R&D resources, but as an activity, it attempts in collaboration with other stakeholders involved in its ecosystem. You are no more a mere spectator and now have the opportunity to use your skills and expertise to impact every stage of a startup’s lifecycle - in sourcing raw materials, packaging, manufacture, distribution, consumer use - crowdholding involves you in the full experience. Imagine you browse trough startup projects on Crowdholding and then find a bright idea that needs help and it's something that you can do! Apply your knowledge and skills in practice, earning you some Crowdshares (a % of future revenue).

Give Feedback

If your goal is to build a personal brand, position yourself as a professional and a great thought leader, get involved with startups and get your opinion to be considered as significant. When you collaborate and co-create on Crowdholding, you a acquire a constant self-education and personal brand building tool. A personal brand can be useful to anyone who wants to change the world, to better themselves and others.


Crowdholding can also be a place where you connect with a potential future employer and eventually join startups as their first employees. In order to build a reputation on Crowdholding, it is necessary on the one hand, to accumulate “proof of your personal brand” (for example, the number of project awards received, reviews and recommendations and so on) - and, on the other hand, stand out from the crowd by being unique and unusual.

One smart thing to ask yourself is: How do you derive value from what companies produce? It’s also an effective way of asking: What influences a company’s business - the product or the customer? We are focused on persuading businesses to rethink their marketing and idea innovation processes because the dynamics of value-creation changed. The key point is that if value-creation is to be effective you need to get involved in a startup’s ecosystem!

We are interested in your opinion and feedback regarding the crowdholding concept.
Get in touch via our website.
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